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763-421-1392 6250 Bunker Lake Blvd #213, Ramsey, MN 55303 Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm, Sun - Sat CLOSED @PolarizautoLLC @Polarizauto

Compustar RFX-2WR3-FM


1-button, 2-way remote, 4 functions, endless possibilities.

2-way, 1-button remote upgrade kit for any Compustar remote starter. Includes a 2-way, water-resistant remote capable of up to 3000-ft of range. Compact, thin remote design perfect for any keychain. 1-Year Manufacturer’s Warranty.

Now bundled with an X1-LTE module for smartphone connectivity with DroneMobile! Free 30-day trial upon activation.

Included with installation are the following:

  • Smartphone Control
  • 2-Way LED Confirmation
  • 2-Way LED Remote
  • Water-Resistant
  • GPS Tracking
  • 3000′ Max Range
  • 1-Year Remote Warranty


Start with Confidence

Lock and start your vehicle with confidence using Compustar 2-way remotes, which provide visual and audible confirmation when your commands are sent successfully.

Compact Design

The 2-Way PRO 2WR3 is the perfect addition to any keychain. This little guy features a 1-button design capable of sending up to 4 commands: lock, unlock, remote start and shutdown.

Water-Resistant + Durable

The Compustar 2WR3 features a high-strength injection molded body that is water-resistant and withstands everyday impact.

Now Bundled with Smartphone Control!

Compustar’s new RFX remote kits are now bundled with a Drone X1 LTE Module. This X1 LTE Module enables unlimited range smartphone control and GPS tracking with the DroneMobile App.

Your Smartphone is Your Backup Remote.

Instead of another remote, Compustar 2-way kits now turn your smartphone into your backup remote thanks to the DroneMobile App! Plus, with DroneMobile Family Sharing, you can invite your family members to share access to your vehicle.

Technical specifications

Model: RFX-2WR3-FM
Brand: Compustar
Available in: North America
GTIN/UPC: 829543013502

Add ons

  • For $149, we can add DroneMobile to your remote start purchase

Included with installation are the following:

2WR3R-FM 2-Way R3 LED Remote2-Way R3 LED Remote

ANT-2WFMX 2-Way FMX Antenna2-Way FMX Antenna

X1-LTE Drone X1 LTE/GPS ModuleDrone X1 LTE/GPS Module

Thermistor FT-TEMP Temperature SensorFT-TEMP Temperature Sensor


Interested in a remote start engine? Confused about these types of it? Reach out to Polarizauto today and let us answer all your questions!

